How Does Playing Piano By Ear ACTUALLY Work? Let Me Show You The Proven Method That'll Allow You To Learn Songs In 10 Minutes (Without Slaving Over Sheet Music!)
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From: Zach Evans
RE: The Play By Ear Mastery System
Dear Fellow Pianist,

Learning to Play By Ear is one of the most misunderstood and underused piano skills.

If you take on the challenge and learn how to do it? You can learn songs in 10 minutes (or less!).

If you dont... You'll be slaving over measure after measure of sheet music the rest of your life.

But most people learn it the wrong way...

They try the "listen over and over" method. It doesn't work. How do I know?

I tried that method... For FOUR MONTHS! It doesn't work. Here's why...

That method is like giving a 3rd grader a Calculus book and saying "Learn!". That's ridiculous. He hasn't even learned basic times tables!

Then I took a college class called Aural Skills (that's a fancy word for "Ear Training"). And it taught me the correct way to learn to play by ear (more on that down below).

And in 4 months of using these new methods, I could learn songs in 10 minutes or less. By ear.

And that's when I realized the entire way I viewed piano would change forever.

There would be no more slaving over measure after measure of sheet music. I could learn new songs daily.

I could finally just enjoy piano again. And not only that...

There were a couple of "hidden benefits"...

Learning songs fast was an obvious benefit. But then I started to figure out learning songs this way caused a couple other great things to happen. For example...

The songs held up rock-solid in front of an audience. Even when I was so nervous my hands were shaking.

Why does this work? Because I'm using a different, more powerful "memory type" to learn songs (I have an entire explanation on how and why it works down below.)

And not only that. But I'd remember these songs years later. Without having to go back and re-practice them.

That's the life you live when you can play by ear. That's the piano life I want to help you live.

And you can. Don't get me wrong, it takes an investment upfront. It'll take approximately 4 months to learn this stuff. But in the long run, how much time will you save when you learn songs in 10 minutes instead of 10 weeks...

In the long run, I can promise you, it's well worth it.

Happy practicing, 
Zach Evans
The Correct Way to Play By Ear
I want you to imagine something for a second. It sounds weird, but imagine we lived in a universe where only 3 pitches existed. Middle C, D, and E. Thats it. Your piano is about 6 inches long. Now let me ask you something...

Could you play by ear if only these 3 pitches existed?

Of course! It'd be easy! There are only 3 possible notes, so it'd be pretty simple to learn any song by ear.

So what if you mastered those notes. Practiced them for 3 or 4 days. To the point it was so easy you were bored with them. Then I told you, "Ok these 3 are pretty easy. Let's add just 2 more notes."

Again, it'd be easy to learn! After all, it's just 2 new notes. Then you master those 5 notes. Then we add two more. And two more. And two more.

And next thing you know you're playing by ear. That's the right way to learn. That's how I learned to play by ear in my College Aural Skills course. And that's how you should learn too if you want to make improvement.

The Play By Ear Mastery course does just that. First gives you examples with just a couple notes. Then a couple more. Then a couple more. So you can learn without frustration.
Playing By Ear Using "Hook Patterns"
Now, while you're learning to play by ear the fundamental way (see above), there are also little tricks that'll rapidly speed your progress.

Techniques like learning intervals, "Left Hand theory" (this makes it significantly easier to learn the harmony of a song), and my personal favorite... "Hook Patterns."

After covering over 100 songs, I figured out something interesting...

There are a couple of patterns that almost every song uses.

I call these patterns "Hook Patterns", because if you memorize these 5 patterns really well, the instant you hear one in a song you'll instantly know where it is on the keyboard. It'll "Hook" into your mind.

And since 95% of songs contain at least one of these hook patterns, you'll have your starting point for almost every song.

These tricks, if you learn them well, can more than double your speed of learning a song by ear.
Rock Solid In Front of an Audience
Songs you've learned by ear will hold up 10X as solid in front of an audience as songs you learned from reading music. Why? Simple. auditory memory is MUCH stronger than visual memory. Let me prove it to you...

I want you to think of a song you know right now that you learned by reading sheet music.

Now imagine I gave you a blank sheet of staff paper and told you, "I want you to notate your entire song out, note for note." Be honest with me. Do you think you could do it??

I know I couldn't. And if I could, it would take an extreme amount of mental energy. Now let me ask you one more question...

Think of that same song. If I told you to hum the song, could you do it?

Of course. It's easy. In fact, I bet you could hum songs back to me that you learned years ago!

Why? Because Auditory Memory is MUCH more powerful than visual memory (in fact, science shows it's the 2nd most powerful form of memory right behind your sense of smell).

So it holds up strong in front of an audience and will eliminate memory slips. You just need to learn to transfer the notes you can hear in your mind onto the piano.

And not only that... But you'll remember the song years later! Isn't it annoying when you learn a song completely... only to find a couple of months later you can only kind of play the song?

And it'll take a couple days of practicing to re-learn the song you already learned.

I was sick of doing that. But playing by ear solved that for me.
Become a Music Theory Genius
Oh, here's another cool thing to know. If you know your theory, it makes learning to play by ear 10 times easier. That's why I bundle my Music Theory Mastery course free with the Play By Ear Mastery course.

Here's how it works. Music theory can help you narrow down the list of possible pitches that come next when learning to play by ear.

Here's an example (note: some of this stuff may be over your head, but once you take the Theory course it'll all make sense!):

You start out with 88 possible notes. But knowing your theory, you realize there are just 12 notes that repeat. Then you know you're playing in the key of, for example, G. That narrows it down to just 7 notes (G A B C D E and F#). Then you know the song starts on a G Major chord. So you know the note is likely either G, B, or D.

So now you've narrowed down 88 notes to the 3 most likely notes.

Makes it a bit easier, don't ya think.
Playing by Ear is Like... Lemonade Stands?
What does a lemonade stand have to do with learning to play by ear? It has to do with this simple concept. Are you willing to make an investment in the short term to succeed in the long run?

Here's what I mean. Imagine you have a lemonade stand. Every day you go to the bottom of your driveway and sell lemonade. You're making money, but in order to make that money, you have to go down to the bottom of your driveway and work hours and hours a day to sell lemonade.

This is the equivalent of learning music with sheet music. Yea, you can learn songs, but every time you want to learn a new song, it requiers a lot of practice.

On the other hand...

One day you decide to set up some vending machines to sell the lemonade for you.

It's a big investment up front. You have to save up enough money to buy the vending machines. You have to research the legalities of it. You have to go from location to location asking people if you can set up your machines there. You're not making any money at this point, it's an investment.

But then...

Every day you make money. You sit at home and while you sleep your machines are up and running making money, day after day.

Almost no work is required. You simply go once a week to refill the machines and take out your cash!

This is like playing by ear. With consistent practice, it'll take about 4 months to learn to play by ear. It's an investment.

But once you've learned to play by ear, you'll be learning songs with almost no effort at all! You can learn songs daily. Instead of spending months to learn them.

Are you ready to make this investment in yourself? See what these other Play By Ear Mastery members have said...
Don’t Take My Word For It
"Thanks! This course has really helped me fill out pieces I've been learning from ear"
-Oscar M
" It's much more simple than my more complicated way of trying to memorize an entire song. I can't believe I never thought of it! Thanks for all the videos and tips."
-Sandy D
"Last night I had like a break through and I was so overwhelmed with triumph that I just teared up. I really hope to inspire people one day just like you."
-Katelyn M
Here's Exactly What You'll Get Inside
 Play By Ear Mastery Course
  • In-Depth Video Lessons: These'll give you an over-the-shoulder look at exactly how I'm learning a song by ear
  • Incremental Progress Plan: Each Lesson is designed to be incrementally harder than the last one. So you can tear off easily digestible bite sized chunks and eliminate practice frustration.
  • ​Bonus 1: Music Theory Mastery Course - This course comes bundled free! It'll take you all the way from note names to stuff like Improvising, Harmonizing, and Transposition. Similarly, it comes with video lessons, exercises, PDFs, and interactive quizzes and tests. ($597 Value)
  • Bonus 2: Technique Mastery Course - Master your technique fundamentals from beginner to advanced with techniuqe "workout plans." ($597 Value)
  • ​Bonus 3: Project Captivate Course - Don't just entertain audiences. Captivate audiences with this video course that'll teach you the blazing fast arpeggio runs, octave sweeps, trills, glissandos, tremolos and more. ($597 Value)
  • Bonus 4: Interactive Quizzes and Tests - Test your knowledge so you can be 100% sure you're ready to move on to the next step. ($397 Value)
  • Bonus 5: Ultimate Piano PDF Cheat Sheets Pack - So you can access much-needed info (like chords, fingerings, keys, ext) quickly to spend less time looking stuff up and more time moving forward making music! ($27 Value)
  • ​Bonus 6: Lightning Fast Piano Scales Ebook and Audiobook - I'll throw in my best selling ebook free! Plus you get the MP3 Audiobook as well in case you don't have much time to read these days. ($10 Value)
  • Bonus 7: Your Very Own Email Piano Coach - Simply contact me through the Piano University contact form with your specific question and I'll walk ya through it! ($397 Value)
  • ​This is probably the best deal I've ever given... EVER!
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I'm ready to prove you can play by ear. Get access now, and see it for yourself. Then, within the next 60 days if the Play By Ear Mastery does not live up to any of your expectations, I don't want your money, and I'll give back every penny back to you. No hassles and we can still be friends. 100% Money-Back Guaranteed.
I look forward to personally guiding you through your piano journey to help you play by ear.

Zach Evans
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