"Don't Entertain. Captivate."
Learning those flashy runs, riffs, and fills is actually a lot easier than you think, IF you know a few tricks to learn them...
From: Zach Evans
RE: Don't Entertain... Captivate.
Dear Fellow Pianist,

I want you to achieve piano greatness. Make those jaws drop. Make your friends say "Wow". Take your piano game to that next level.

But I know it's hard. Frustrating. I was at that point too. Practicing that same Arpeggio run over and over. Having absolutely no clue what to play with my left hand. Spinning my wheels and not making any progress. Taking weeks, months to even learn one song. Then being so scared I couldn't play in front of people anyways. It sucked. I almost quit multiple times.

Then I'd see all the piano YouTube guys putting up 2 to 3 songs a week. And not Mary Had a Little Lamb either. Songs that blew me out of the water.


That question irked me to no end. They seemed to make it so easy. So I went on a piano rampage.

I dropped some cash and bought tons of sheet music from all the top YouTube guys. Every song I thought sounded awesome. Then I'd stay up late analyzing it. Breaking it down. What are they playing with their left hand? What was the chord of that cool arpeggio flare? What notes did he play to get that beautiful sound?

And I found something very interesting. They all use very similar patterns.

A couple main left hand patterns. A couple cool arpeggio runs. A couple impressive octave sweeps.

Oh, and the reason they could learn songs so fast is they were using the "Lego Block Method" (more about that below).

I was jacked. I had the secret! Right?!? Nope.

Turns out it's a lot easier to know the right notes than to play the right notes. Weeks and weeks of practicing hours a day. Still couldn't get that dang arpeggio run up to speed. Looks like I hit another roadblock. So, of course, I went on another piano rampage!

Started researching practice methods. Old, dusty books written by the piano masters. Switched my major to music. Got a piano teacher who's played at Carnegie Hall. I'd do whatever it takes. I learned a lot of things.

First of all, I was practicing like an idiot.

I thought practicing meant just repeating it over and over until I got it. Nope. Turns out there are practice strategies, tactics, and methods specifically designed to learn different techniques. Fast arpeggios? Theres a series of drills you do to learn them. Rapid Octaves? There's a different series of drills to learn those.

Then, there were some easy fixes in my form that led to an instant boost in my speed. I almost doubled my arpeggio speed in 15 minutes just by learning a simple wrist motion. When I started using correct form for my trills, suddenly they were effortless.

When I went back and played for my family, they were shocked. I was playing stuff I hadn't even dreamed was possible 4 months ago. And playing in front of people without even a blink of fear. It was a sweet feeling.

Let me take you on this journey. Let me help you avoid all the mistakes that cost me months of time. I'm not saying you won't have to practice, you will. I simply want to make sure all that hard wok, all that practice time is laser focused in the right direction.

I want to make sure you don't spend months trying to learn Arpeggio runs the wrong way, only to find out you could have learned it in a few weeks by using the correct form (I made this mistake, cost me tons of valuable practice time).

I want to show you that you don't have to slave over measure after measure of sheet music. You can create captivating songs in 10 to 20 minutes with the "Lego Block Method".

I want to teach you all the cool stuff. Arpeggios, octaves, runs, fills, trills, glissandos, patterns, jump bass rolled chords... well you can see the complete list of everything you'll learn here.

And even better, if you want to see how each lesson is laid out, I give one of them away 100% free so you can test drive it for yourself. You can find that here.

Zach Evans
Piano On Steroids
"So how does this all work? And what exactly do I get with Project Captivate?"

There are 4 "ingredients" you need to learn any advanced technique (and most people have a "weak link" which stops them from learning it no matter how much they practice).

1. The Notes
2. The Form/Motion
3. Accelerated Learning Techniques
4. Implementing Into a Song

Project Captivate comes with everything you need to learn these techniques. There are in-depth video lessons that give you an over the shoulder look at exactly what notes to play. Then each lesson also comes with a video on the correct form/motion to use, and there's another one on the Accelerated Learning Techniques to learn them fast. Lastly, there's a lesson on my 7 step process to implementing these into an actual song. You'll go under the hood with me as I take a real song from start to finish.

Then there are also PDF cheat sheets, training plans, and printouts to help you learn this stuff even faster. And of course, there's a "Contact Me" page where you can ask me any specific question you have. I want to make sure you get results no matter what.
The "Lego Block Method"
So what is this "Lego Block Method" I keep talking about and how exactly does it work?

Ok, so instead of thinking about a song as one static entity, think of it as a fluid combination of multiple "blocks":

Block 1: Melody
Block 2: Harmony (Left Hand Pattern)
Block 3: Runs and Fills (Arpeggio flares, octave sweeps, trills & tremolos, ext.)
Block 4: Intro/Outro/Transitions

Now instead of learning a song as a whole, you learn each individual block. Then the exciting part:

Once you have a block learned, you can reuse it for other songs.

When you learn a new song, all you have to learn is the melody. Then you can reuse the same harmony, runs, fills, intro, ext. you learned in the last song. And since you already learned blocks 2, 3, and 4, you need little to no practice to implement them into the next song. So all you have to learn is the melody and you're done!

Project Captivate will teach you all the best "Lego Blocks" and how to learn them fast. So you can practice them and gradually build up your "Toolbox" of runs, fills, left hand patterns, ext.

Then once you've put in that investment into learning the techniques, you can start learning song after song with ease.

Scroll below to see exactly what you're going to get out of Project Captivate.
How Long Will It Take To Learn?
Here's how it works. Each technique you want to learn, you only practice 10 minutes a day.

Each technique takes between 1 and 8 weeks to learn (with 10 minutes a day of practice) depending on the difficulty. You can see the breakdown of how long each one takes here.

Then, you add 10 minute "Practice Chunks" to your day. So if you want to learn 2 techniques at a time, you might add one practice chunk at the beginning of your session and one at the end. Or if you want to learn 4 techniques at a time, you might add one practice chunk right when you wake up, one before your practice session, one after your practice session, and one right before bed.

So it's all up to you, how fast you want to learn these. This isn't a "Magical Program" that requires no effort. You get out of it what you put in, it still takes consistEnt practice. But you'll know everything you're learning with that consistEnt effort you can use over and over in song after song after song.
Don’t Take My Word For It
"I can't stress enough that Zach's lessons have significantly improved my playing in a short amount of time."
John S
Project Captivate Member Since Sept. 2015
"Zach teaches skills I've never come across through any other teacher. And no matter how I felt as I approached piano practice, watching one or more of Zach's teaching video's changed my attitude completely and made me enthusiastic about practicing and learning new techniques."
Paul C
Project Captivate Member Since Oct. 2015
"It's crazy when I look back at my level in October and now. It's a great feeling to progress quickly and feel very natural with the piano. Zach undeniably knows what he's doing."
Nhat S
Project Captivate Member Since October 2015
Here's Exactly What You'll Get Inside
Project Captivate
  • Burn Up The Ivories - Learn How to play blazing fast arpeggio runs, incredible octave sweeps, captivating trills and tremolos, and more.
  • Learn Songs In 10 Minutes - Learn how to use the "Lego Block Method" to learn songs in hardly any time at all. It's the method all the big YouTube guys use.
  • Eliminate "Practice Frustration" - Learn the 4 key ingredients to learn any new advanced technique - and the weak link most people are missing.
  • Performance Anxiety? Gone. - Learn how using the "Lego Block Method", you'll learn each block so well that playing in front of people will feel like you're playing Mary Had a Little Lamb.
  • Move People To Tears - Learn beautiful, moving left hand patterns. People have personally told me these have moved them to tears.
  • ​Access To A Personal Piano Coach - That's me. If you ever need help, you can message me with your specific question and I'll give you a personalized answer.
  • ​In-Depth Video Lessons - You can see a complete list of the lessons and exactly what you'll learn here.Try One For Free - Try the Arpeggio Sweeping Lesson 100% free. Click Here to try it and take Project Captivate for a test drive.
  • Bonus 1: Technique Mastery Course: Master your technique fundamentals from beginner to advanced with techniuqe "workout plans." ($597 Value)
  • Bonus 2: Play by Ear Mastery Course: Train your ears to learn songs the minute you hear them, using a systematic learning process. ($597 Value)
  • Bonus 3: Music Theory Mastery Course: Become a Music Theory Genius, and gain a deep understanding of all the concepts behind the Lego Block Method. ($597 Value)
  • Bonus 4: Ultimate Piano PDF Cheat Sheets Pack: Get every PDF I've ever made to help my students learn and memorize piano concepts fast. ($27 Value)
  • ​Bonus 5: Interactive Quizzes and Tests: Know without a doubt that you've learned the material with the interactive quizzes in the Play By Ear and Music Theory Mastery courses. ($397 Value)
  • ​This is probably the best deal I've ever given... EVER!

Still Not Sure?
No Worries. Project Captivate Comes With A
60 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
I'm ready to prove everything I claim. Get Project Captivate right now, and see it for yourself within the next 60 DAYS. If the it does not live up to any the claims stated here. I don't want your money, and I'll give back every penny back to you. No hassles and we can still be friends. 100% Money-Back Guaranteed. Oh, and you get to keep the bonus ebook and audiobook even if you cancel.
I look forward to personally guide you in your piano journey.

Zach Evans
© Questions? Contact me at Zach@Bestpianoclass.com
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