"Rock-Solid Technique in 10 Minutes a Day...
Use these Essential Technique Booster Exercises to Build Flawless Piano Technique, Eliminate "Weak Pinkie Syndrome", and Develop the Unshakeable Confidence to Burn Up The Ivories.
Watch Below to Find Out How...
"Rock-Solid Technique in 10 Minutes a Day...
Use these Essential Technique Booster Exercises to Build Flawless Piano Technique, Eliminate "Weak Pinkie Syndrome", and Develop the Unshakeable Confidence to Burn Up The Ivories.
Watch Below to Find Out How...
Take a look all the courses you'll get access to when you're a Technique Mastery Member. Plus Some Bonuses...
Note: The Technique Mastery Course is 50% Off Right Now
Beginner's Technique Mastery Course
From Nothing to Rock Solid Piano Technique
  • I'll walk you step-by-step through the over-the-shoulder video lessons as, day by day, we build you the perfect "Technique Workout Plan."
  • You'll build Finger Strength, Dexterety, Independence, and Coordination through a proven, systematic series of exersices and drills.
  • Eliminate "Weak Pinkie Syndrome", and develop the "Snap Effect", where your fingers feel like they magnetically "snap" to the correct notes. One of the keys to having Unshakeable Confidence.
Advanced Technique Mastery Course
From Solid Technique... to Next-Level Technique
  • Upgrade your technique even further in the Advanced Course. It'll take each Essential Exercise from the Beginner's course and dial it up a notch.
  • Develop effortless 4-octave scales, smooth advanced Arpeggios, and rapid-octaves technique with the new series of exercises.
  • Once you complete this section of the course, you'll feel perfectly "at home" and confident on the keys, and you'll have the technique foundation to be able to move on to... (see below!)
Webinar Bonuses
$3,246.00 Value thrown in for free 
  • Bonus 1: Project Captivate Course - Don't just entertain audiences. Captivate audiences with this video course that'll teach you the blazing fast arpeggio runs, octave sweeps, trills, glissandos, tremolos and more. ($597 Value)
  • Bonus 2: Play by Ear Mastery Course - Train your ears to learn songs the minute you hear them, using a systematic learning process. ($597 Value)
  • Bonus 3: Music Theory Mastery Course - Become a Music Theory Genius, and gain a deep understanding of all the concepts behind the Lego Block Method. ($597 Value)
  • Bonus 4: Ultimate Piano PDF Cheat Sheets Pack - Get every PDF I've ever made to help my students learn and memorize piano concepts fast. ($27 Value)
  • Bonus 5: Interactive Quizzes and Tests - Know without a doubt that you've learned the material with the interactive quizzes in the Play By Ear and Music Theory Mastery courses. ($397 Value)
  • Bonus 6: Lightning Fast Piano Scales Ebook and Audiobook - I'll throw in my best selling ebook free! Plus you get the MP3 Audiobook as well in case you don't have much time to read these days. ($10 Value)
  • Bonus 7: Your Very Own Email Piano Coach - Still not understanding a lesson? No problem! Simply contact me through the Piano University contact form with your specific question and I'll walk ya through it! ($397 Value)
Bonus 2: "Lightning Fast Piano Scales"
My Amazon Bestselling Ebook... Comes Bundled Free!
  • The exact step-by-step process I used to take my scales from sloppy and uncoordinated, to playing them all 4 octaves - Fast!
  • Specific Techniques such as the "Quick Thumb" technique and the "Over Under" technqiue to help you master each phase of each scale.
  • PDFs of the correct fingerings for all the major and minor scales.
Get Instant Access Now!
Webinar Special Bonus Deal Going On Right Now!
After that it's goin back in the vault!
Here's What People are Saying about the
Technique Mastery Course
"I can't thank you enough for the wonderful results I'm getting . I am sticking to the plan daily and it's beginning to pay off. I hope your other students are doing the same."
-Perry J.
" The technique I liked best was the "quick thumb" technique for scales. I practiced it five times a day for a week, nothing else, and my scale speed went crazy high! It was really spectacular.
-Neal A.
"The easy to understand demonstrations help a lot - to see exactly how it should be done. They help me avoid injury and play with speed."
-Gloria C.
"Not only have I found the finger dexterity and independence drills and techniques to become more comfortable and faster over scales, I've gained a deeper understanding from a more technical perspective."
-Alyssa A.
Webinar Special Bonus Deal Going On Right Now!
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